Crades Foundation
The [Crades] Foundation is a non- governmental organization that aims to facilitate community development through philanthropy. Its unique approach is to partner with donors through designated funds or defined-interest funds to build permanent endowments which are used to support community projects.
Our Vision
To establish a society, which has no exploitation, self-reliant and equitable by ensuring that ordinary people are provided the opportunity to identify their potential, set appropriate goals and achieve extraordinary dreams.
Our Mission
To improve the quality of life, strengthen the common good and address the most challenging social concerns of people living as marginalized groups by raising funds and identifying opportunities that link donors’ interest to community needs and aspirations, while at all times requiring full accountability from all stakeholders on an even-handed keel.
Our Goals
- To act as an advocate for community empowerment.
- To develop programmes that improve the living standards of the local people.
- To influence community projects.
- To educate and train members of the group on lively skills and entreneurship.
- To develop partnership with private and public organisations.
- To provide forums for sharing experiences and best practices.
- To link members to groups or organizations with similar interests.
- To develop a code of ethics for sub groups.
Our values
- We have hope, and create hope in the people with whom we work to support
- We embrace the spiritual well-being of all people and promote the achievement of their full potential.
- We value partnerships with people and organizations that have a committed interest in the community; all such partnerships will encompass mutual respect, transparency, accountability and integrity.
- We foster, embody and celebrate diversity and strive towards equality.
- We seek the involvement and contributions of the people we aspire to serve.
- We require compassion, generosity of spirit, inclusiveness, respect and shared learning in all we do and in those organizations with whom we work.
Specific Goals,
For qualitative livelihoods in sustainable manner ,Crades Foundation is committed to achieve the following;
- Social and Ecoomic empowerment of target groups (women,children,elderly disabled ,under privileged /disadvantaged,vulnerable community members)
- Active participation of target group through decentralised and good governance
- Promotion of organization activities by networking/coordination with supportings and line agencies.
- Enhancement of gender balanced programs to access resources through building institutional capacity of target group and community based organisation
- Management of natural resources and bio- diversity for sustainable livelihood.
Aims and strategic objectives
The strategic objectives of the Crades Foundation, aligned to the millennium development goals, are to bring resources closer to communities by working together with marginalized communities and community based organizations in the critical areas of need. These strategic objectives are:- To distribute the income derived from our endowed funds to achieve community and donor (corporate or individual) social responsibility objectives.
- To support, nurture and encourage community-based organizations which are both capable and show the commitment to carry out community services compatible with the ethos, vision and mission of the CRADES Foundation.
- To channel funds to designated groups, which have been identified as implementing critical poverty alleviation strategies, including but not limited to the following:
- Youth development
- HIV/AIDS prevention and support component
- Micro enterprises promotion/job creation strategies
- Community Leadership development
- Education support
- Care givers empowerment
- Health provision support
- Environment Conservation practices
- Agricultural production empowerment; irrigation etc.
- Water
- To Develop Programmes and Support organizational development
- To Improve Organizations and Management Systems
- To Improve and Diversify Sustainable Sources of Funding and Enhanced Financial Management
- Promoting general health and well-being in the community through medical intervention
- Providing the community life-supporting skills base (which will include literacy, numeracy, arts and craft skills, marketing skills, other wage-earning skills etc).
- Inspiring the community to engage in self-help and cooperative life-sustaining ventures with the active but only catalytic intervention by our projects (these can include environment regeneration, protection and managing of natural resources etc).
- To promote and create a forum for open and free dialogue with community which will provide opportunities for learning and sharing and ultimately allow for timely, informed action on social matters that affect any and all segments of the community.
- To build community assets and seek opportunities to endow communities with new leadership and opportunities; i.e. Youth Bank and Community Healing Centre.
- To evaluate our programmers’ at regular intervals and share results with our donors, stakeholders and members of the community.
- To carry out relevant research.
- To apply and implement the millennium development goals as appropriate in our projects and endeavors.