Crades Foundation Community Support Initiatives

The Crades community support Initiatives are geared to promote human transformation and seek justice through support and care of the poor and oppressed. They are initiated to ensure effective service delivery to community needy target groups.

 Some of the Crades community support initiatives are as given below; 

1.Rescue and support initiative for young girls at risk ; an effort to help girls running away from FGM and forced early marriage.
In this initiative, Crades is committed to;

  1. Provide a rescue home for young girls at risk.
  2. Help such girls  acquire or continue with education by sponsorship in primary up to college and university
  3. Establish learning centres with vocational training for such girls at risk.
  4. Acquire salon training equipments for such girls training and startup capital for their independent livelihood.
  5. Help young girls at risk i.e FGM and teenage mothers  get trained in tailoring and dress making; computer and Hairdressing skills to enable them create employment for their income generating activities.
  6. Initiate an income generating revolving fund for the discriminated adult women opposed to the practice.
  7. Help communities with such traditional practices get alternative better economic empowerment practices, like farming.

2.Comforting grace Initiative; an effort to provide care and support to HIV/AIDS infected and Affected .The service extends to people with disabilities. In this initiative, Crades is committed to;

  1. Come up with care group teams trained on Home based care skills.
  2. Support groups of People living with HIV/AIDS by giving training on how to live with the virus
  3. Initiate economic support for people living with HIV/AIDS.
  4. Source and supply food to both infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.
  5. Offer psychological support to women living the HIV/AIDS for emotional empowerment.
  6. Initiate HIV/AIDS preventive activities targeting the youth ,women and children through schools, churches, mosque, youth groups work places, chief baraza and other public forums.
  7. Encourage many people to know their HIV/AIDS status through counseling and referral for test at VCTS.
  8. Offer inter denominational leadership preventive and awareness trainings on the HIV/AIDS.
  9. Help provide special attention to the needs of people with disabilities.
  10. Initiate economic support for disabled people.

3. Gracious hope Educational initiative; an effort to help orphans, vulnerable children, neglected urban poor Child in slums and in rural remote areas to get their basic right to education. In this initiative, Crades is committed to;

Identify and establish a care group network for the orphan, vulnerable and urban poor children in slums and in the rural remote areas.
  1. Enter into partnership with semi private community school projects to implement the program by encouraging them to enroll such cases for educational support.
  2. Encourage the start of informal education school centers with minimal operational costs to make it possible for such children get access to education.
  3. Help improve education quality in educational centers offering support to such cases by carrying out in service training services to the teachers in such schools.
  4. Help establish a feeding support program for such needy children in their learning educational centres.
  5. Implement a gracious hope, information communication technology [ICT] program for giving computer knowledge to urban poor /orphaned and vulnerable children in partner educational institutions.
  6. Facilitate to Offer educational books donations for OVCs.
  7. Help orphans get school uniforms.
  8. Offer vocational training to older orphans or youths with poor backgrounds
  9. Establish informal educational and vocational centers for poor /orphaned children.
  10. Offer educational sponsorship facilitation services to ovcs
  11. Help construction of new community schools and improve the status of those existing education centers in poor conditions.
  12. Help provide lighting systems for educational support for children in poor conditions in both slums and rural remote areas.
  13. Help provide clean water for schools by distributing water harvesting tanks or by drilling boreholes for community water supply.

4.House of hope (Rescue and support homes); An effort to provide rescue and support homes for Neglected, abandoned, orphaned children and elderly people without proper care. In this initiative, Crades is committed to;

  1. Help neglected/abandoned children get a living support home(house) where all basic needs are provided
  2. Help such cases get food supply
  3. Establish support houses with a capacity of providing all accommodation service to the above cases.
  4. Help orphaned and neglected children in the same homes get access to education and food.
  5. Help establish day care centre with feeding programs for such cases
  6. Help elderly people under poor conditions by providing for their basic needs
  7. Offer elderly care support, medical care ,nutritional support, shelter (renovations ) for those in inhumane conditions
  8. Establish elderly care and support houses of hope
  9. Establish cost free feeding support centres for elderly and other vulnerable community members under abject poverty

5.In support of Youths at risk initiative; efforts to help youths at risk get a creative empowerment for economic development purposes. In this initiative, Crades committed to;

  1. Provide youths with economic empowerment resources
  2. Help youths get employment by creating conducive working opportunities.
  3. Offer workshops to the youths to equip them with entrepreneurship skills to engage in small scale business activities to overcome unemployment.
  4. Engage the youths into groups of productive activities e.g. Water supply, brick making for construction; transport currier business with motor bikes, transport business etc.
  5. Engage the youth groups into social economic, agricultural activities, cyber cafe, poultry, fish pods etc.
  6. Help the youths get access to vocational training [e.g. tailoring/dress making, carpentry, hairdressing, computer training etc through the formal and informal sector.

6. Creative Empowerment Resource program; an effort to help equip youths, adult poor, grandparents taking care of HIV/AIDS Orphans, windows and care givers with skills which innovatively, creatively and Sustainably establish their enterprises and develop income-generating activities to increase Household income levels. In this initiative, Crades is committed to;

  1. Offer workshop training in management of small enterprise and revolving fund
  2. Train grandmothers ,people living with HIV/AIDS, care givers ,windows and youths on Village savings
  3. Help many of our members to start up small scale enterprises to create employment and increase household income levels and reduce poverty level.
  4. Develop a training guide
  5. Help women groups living HIV/AIDS get a micro financial support to start up small scale businesses like charcoal selling, Vegetable venting etc,
  6. Help source for market for products for such groups in an effort to overcome poverty.

7.Community development Support Initiative; an effort to improve the ability for local community (groups) in resource mobilization and management in order to address development programs at grass root level with an emphasis on taking care of the disadvantaged or less fortunate in the society.

  1. Mobilize local community members into productive community groups
  2. Initiate community development projects
  3. Help empower poor households for economic productivity
  4. Help local community groups manage their naturally endowed resources for economic support
  5. Initiate poverty alleviation productive activities for local community members
  6. Help establish economic support centres for the communities
  7. Help build production capacities for the community members.
  8. help communities acquire equipment for their local development initiatives like acquisition of tractors for farming, for rural road constuction, for mining sand etc. Acquisition of transport vehicles for farm produce etc.
  9. initiate rural access infrastructural development to improve transportation of local agricultural produce to reach the market without delay.

8.Dispensing health care support services; an effort to provide medical health care support services to vulnerable community members; AIDS infected, affected and poor and elderly adults in slums and rural remote under abject poverty. In this initiative, Crades is committed to;

  1. Initiate a medical support care system by enrolling a membership of the needy poor HIV/aids orphaned, vulnerable children, people living with HIV/AIDS and urban and rural remote poor adults in abject poverty, for free medical services.
  2. Organize free medical camps to help provide medical care to the disadvantaged and also help curb opportunistic diseases associated with the HIV/AIDS virus.
  3. Offer nutritional therapy to HIV/AIDS victims by carrying out counseling services to educate the people living with HIV/AIDS.
  4. Help in equipping charity health clinics and pharmaceutical outlets/chemistries in support of orphans, the destitute and those in abject poverty
  5. Establishment and equipping of primary health centers in urban slums and in rural remote areas for medical care of vulnerable community masses.

9. An environmental care and support initiative; an effort to support and maintain the delicate balance between man and nature. It involves an engagement into environmental conservative practices like planting of trees, water conservation or drilling; agricultural practices to foster food security against drought etc; In this initiative, Crades is committed to;

  1. Mobilize groups that grow and maintain nursery of tree seedlings to be planted on various parts of the country.
  2. Help women groups and care givers to get skills and engage in organic farming activities.
  3. Help drill boreholes for water supply and small scale irrigation.
  4. Plant fruit trees to provide food and for economic production as the trees help act as wind breakers to attract rain.
  5. Mobilize community members to engage in environment conservation activities.
  6. Engage into agricultural production in support of disadvantaged groups in the society.
  7. Help communities engage in water conservation activities like earth and sand dam construction.
  8. Help poor community members with plastic water tanks for both domestic and irrigation water conservation.

10.Housing for poverty Eradication initiative;

An effort to help urban homeless and poor rural vulnerable community groups acquire their right to owning a home. In this initiative Crades is committed to;
  1. Helping homeless urban poor to acquire settlements
  2. Help urban poor groups get financial support for construction of settlement homes.
  3. Help poor communities to get facilitation support to get formalization of settlements with relevant government ministries.
  4. Mobilizing poverty stricken people into dynamic groups for land acquisition campaigns.
  5. Help acquire land for poor landless people to settle
  6. Sourcing for funding for house construction for poverty stricken groups
  7. Help initiate an architectural construction design that provides a home with income generation for member beneficiaries.

Each of the initiative indicated above has a number of projects in different parts of the country

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